Whether you are leaving the dorms for your first 1 bedroom apartment in Nova Scotia, moving to your dream house in the New Brunswick, relocating to Quebec, looking for a storage in Ontario, or moving across country Canada - EXPRESS MOVING is the moving company that will turn the world upside down to ensure you have a perfect move. General Manager
As the leading EXPRESS MOVING company, we can move in any type of building, from luxury to prewar. With our GET A QUOTE form on this website, you can request your move time or call us. Learn More →
Fast, on-time & safe. That is what sets us apart from other moving companies. Enjoy our service, guaranteed delivery dates, and high quality packing materials to keep your items intact. Learn More →
Your business is your livelihood and work cannot stop. EXPRESS MOVING can move your office overnight, and by the next morning, your employees will start working with no downtime. Learn More →
Just Your Perfect Move starts with perfect materials. You can now buy the same boxes & packing materials that we use and we will deliver them to you at your prefered time. Learn More →
We can pack your whole home or just the kitchen, or any part of it. Our packing methods and the high quality packing materials we use are matched specifically to each of your items. Learn More →
As EXPRESS MOVING company, we offers both self storage and full service storage. We welcome short and long term storage. All rooms are private, clean, and safe. Learn More →